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I grew up doing dance which through my teenage years was my biggest passion and favourite way to move my body. As I got older my relationship with my body started to have a negative impact on my life.
In 2021 I became very unhealthy both mentally and physically. I wasn’t confident in my skin, constantly comparing myself to others and fixating on my insecurities. I developed an eating disorder and rapidly dropped to the lowest weight I had ever been. I was over exercising in the gym thinking that I would be happier if I was thinner. By the end of that year, I realized that I still didn’t feel like I was enough. I took a step back from the gym because I truly began to hate it. During that time off I learned that you cannot hate yourself into a better version of yourself. When I returned to the gym, I had a much healthier approach because I was doing it out of self love. I was ready to do whatever it took to heal my relationship with food and my body image.
I am now the heaviest weight I’ve ever been, and I am the most strong and confident version of myself. Fitness has become my biggest passion. I aspire to help people become their happiest and healthiest self. It fills my cup to see others succeed and accomplish goals that once seemed
Approaching your fitness goals the sustainable way is extremely important to me. The gym is a place to honour your body, not punish it. Whether you have never worked out in the gym before or are seeking more structure and accountability in your gym journey, I want to help you crush your goals and enjoy the process.