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I started my foray into fitness a little over 16 years ago.
At the time, I was nearing 300 lbs and had a size 44 waist. Knowing that my health and quality of life was rapidly declining, I decided to take control of my future for the sake of my loved ones and myself, and started to weight train.
Fast forward 4 years , through trial and error, intelligent programming and lots of hard work, I was getting into the best shape of my life and had reached my goal of losing a total of 10 inches off of my waist and reducing my body fat by over 20%. I was nearly pain free and had a new lease on life.
As I continued my fitness journey, it was a no-brainer at the time to become a personal trainer and help others achieve their goals and help them be the best version of themselves.
Since starting my personal training career, I have helped many people of all shapes and sizes reach their fitness goals. I did that through custom tailored and individualized training programs. I pride myself on being available for my clients around the clock, because I know fitness isn’t about the 1 hour you spend in the gym, but also the other 23. Don’t wait any longer and train for the body you’ve always deserved right now!
Please contact the front desk to book an appointment with me. I look forward to seeing you soon! Happy lifting!
Specialty Area
While I work with all client types, I specialize in the area of Fat Loss, Muscle Gain and Conditioning.
Training Credentials: